
I created 'Vedra by nature' to share the natural beauty of the products that I love, Vedra meaning faithful, honest and truthful.  
Es Vedra - is a small rocky island off of the south west coast of Ibiza, my favourite place to be.   
My journey to natural skincare -
In 2020, being told by the doctors the only option left to help my irritated & inflamed skin was Roaccutane a retinoid medication. I felt so disheartened because  I knew this couldn't be the answer. I didn't want to cover up my symptoms and cause more potential harm to my body.
I spent my late teen years trying to find a product that didn't break me out, irritate my skin or have any nasty ingredients on the back.
I decided to start experimenting with simple ingredients. TRUST ME when I say I have tried everything on my skin from jars of Manuka honey to clay from rocks in Greece.
Fast forward to now, I have created  products that I love to use day and night on my skin. Inspired by nature, using only pure organic ingredients that love and nourish my body and soul.